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Opening: Killing Them Softly

Will Great Expectations live up to Expectations?

Have you heard Samantha Barks as Eponine sing On My Own?

Wondrous Words Wednesday : The Words of Les Miserables

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday: The World Without You

Dreaming of France: More on Les Miz Screening and Q&A with Eddie Redmayne

Les Miserables: You Take My Breath Away

Christmas has come to town.

What are you doing for Black Friday?

First the turkey, then the Pi

Wondrous Word Wednesday : A Stinking Pikey!

LINCOLN: Required Viewing

The Silver Linings Playbook: My Take on the Book behind the movie #book2movie

Anna Has Arrived #AnnaKarenina #book2movie

My Book, The Movie: What the Dog Ate by Jackie Bouchard #book2movie