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Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks:First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday

Since the screen adaptation of Nicholas Spark's Safe Haven comes out pretty soon - yeah, it's Valentine's Day natch, I thought I'd share the opening to the book for First Paragraph - Teaser Tuesday hosted by Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea.  And for Teaser Tuesday at Should Be Reading

I haven't bought the book yet and unless the opening paragraph and the free sample on my Nook
convince me otherwise, I probably won't. I'm not usually much of a Sparks fan but since the screen adaptation starring Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough does come out on February 14th, I have loads of time to read the book first if you think I should. 

Let's take a look and maybe you can give me some advice ...

As Katie wound her way among the tables, a breeze from the Atlantic rippled through her hair. Carrying three plates in her left hand and another in her right, she wore jeans and a T-shirt that read Ivan's: Try Our Fish Just for the Halibut! She brought the plates to four men wearing polo shirts; the one closest to her caught her eye and smiled. Though he tried to act as though he was just a friendly guy, she knew he was watching her as she walked away. Melody had mentioned the men had come from Wilmington and were scouting locations for a movie. 
 Well?  Should I keep reading the free sample on my Nook?  
Should I buy it?  Borrow it?  Or Forget it?

Watch the Safe Haven trailer

P.S.  Don't Forget to Vote in my Best Picture Movie Poll in the upper right corner! Thanks.